Here is Understanding Quantum technologies 2024, the 7th edition of this book and the fourth in English. It is always a free to download book, without any questions asked (no email, no profiling). It reaches 1,554 pages, split in five volumes for e-readers and a paperback edition is available since November 10th on many Amazon sites.
The book and these volumes are structured as follow:
Volume 1 “Prologue” (372 pages) starts with describing the motivation and organization of this book, then a quantum physics history highlighting the key contributors of this field, quantum physics 101 (quantization, superposition, entanglement and the likes). It then lays-out the basics to understand quantum computing with describing how gate-based quantum computing operates (qubits, gates, measurement), and then covers quantum computing engineering which includes quantum computer physical paradigms and architecture, error handling, quantum memory, quantum energetics, economics and how to deal with uncertainty.
Dans ce 34e podcast “Quantum”, Fanny Bouton et moi-même faisons comme d’habitude un tour d’horizon de l’actualité quantique française et mondiale avec l’actualité événementielle, puis scientifique et entrepreneuriale. L’épisode est aussi sur YouTube.
L’actualité est dense et variée. On y évoque même à la fin le cas du « tardigrade quantique intriqué » pour voir si c’est un hoax ou pas.
Ce post contient une sorte de version longue du podcast ainsi que les liens permettant de trouver dans la plupart des cas les sources des informations citées.
Post-scriptum sur les 127 qubits d’IBM
Last week, on September 27, 2021, I published the first edition in English of the ebook “Understanding Quantum Technologies”. This thick 800 pages document covers in a 360° fashion all aspects of quantum technologies, from science and technology to business and societal matters.
As such, it is relevant for many different audiences. One of these are undergraduate and graduate students in computer science, in quantum physics and quantum information sciences but also any professional, particularly, IT specialists, who want to understand the whereabouts of quantum technologies, and particularly quantum computing. Policy makers can also find insights on where and how quantum technologies are being developped across the world and what underpinning societal issues must be dealt with.