Opinions Libres - Le Blog d'Olivier Ezratty

Understanding Quantum Technologies… with paper

Post de Olivier Ezratty du 8 octobre 2021 - Tags : Entrepreneuriat,Politique,Quantique,Sociologie,Startups,Technologie | 2 Comments

Last week, on September 27, 2021, I published the first edition in English of the ebook “Understanding Quantum Technologies”. This thick 800 pages document covers in a 360° fashion all aspects of quantum technologies, from science and technology to business and societal matters.

As such, it is relevant for many different audiences. One of these are undergraduate and graduate students in computer science, in quantum physics and quantum information sciences but also any professional, particularly, IT specialists, who want to understand the whereabouts of quantum technologies, and particularly quantum computing. Policy makers can also find insights on where and how quantum technologies are being developped across the world and what underpinning societal issues must be dealt with.

On top of communicating about the book as broadly as possible – and there is still much to do there -, one key remaining task for being a complete self-publisher was to make the book available in some printed version. This is now done! The book is available in paperback edition since October 6th on Amazon.

To cope with the printing limits of Amazon KDP, I published the book in Letter format and split it into two volumes of respectively 452 and 404 pages. I added 48 pages to the initial 800 pages version (+5%) to fit the content in Letter format pages with adequate margins. I also increased the size of many illustrations to make it more readable in printed versions. These changes are applied to the downloadable PDF versions that are still accessible: in A4, in compressed A4 and Letter. These files contain both volumes, one after the other, should you also rely on online printing services with a simular cap in number of pages.

Understanding Quantum Technologies Volume 1 and 2

The first volume covers quantum physics history, quantum physics 101, quantum computing basics (linear algebra, qubits, gates, measurement), engineering, hardware and enabling technologies.

The second volume covers quantum algorithms, software development tools, business applications, quantum telecommunications and cryptography, quantum sensing, quantum tech around the world and societal issues. Plus the glossary and index that are common to both volumes.

You can order these two volumes on Amazon.com, Amazon.de, Amazon.fr, Amazon.es, Amazon.it and Amazon.com.au. The volumes are also visible on Amazon.co.uk and should be orderable soon. I have set the price to make the printed version as affordable as possible to any audience, and particularly with students. Each volume is priced at $35 and at about 32€ with VAT (depending on the Euro zone country), making the two-volume book available at $70 / 64€.

And voila!



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Lien de l'article : https://www.oezratty.net/wordpress/2021/understanding-quantum-technologies-with-paper/

(cc) Olivier Ezratty - http://www.oezratty.net