Here is Understanding Quantum technologies 2023, the 6th edition of this book and the third in English. As all my book, it is a free to download book without any questions. It beats another record of mine with 1,366 pages, split in three volumes for e-readers and a paperback edition available on many Amazon sites.
It is probably the most thorough book on the matter covering so many dimensions (history, science, technology, hardware/software, usages, societal, political) and for all quantum technologies (computing, telecommunications, cryptography, sensing, quantum matter). It is a very large book but it can also be considered as a collection of more reasonable books: one on quantum physics (140 pages), another on quantum computing hardware (344 pages), one on quantum computing programming, software tools and case studies (270 pages), yet another one on quantum communication and cryptography (94 pages), on quantum sensing (49 pages, we are here in the “novel” format), on quantum geopolitics (99 pages), a directory of quantum industry vendors (665 are described in the book), etc. But they are all tied together in a consistent manner!
Last week, on September 27, 2021, I published the first edition in English of the ebook “Understanding Quantum Technologies”. This thick 800 pages document covers in a 360° fashion all aspects of quantum technologies, from science and technology to business and societal matters.
As such, it is relevant for many different audiences. One of these are undergraduate and graduate students in computer science, in quantum physics and quantum information sciences but also any professional, particularly, IT specialists, who want to understand the whereabouts of quantum technologies, and particularly quantum computing. Policy makers can also find insights on where and how quantum technologies are being developped across the world and what underpinning societal issues must be dealt with.
En préparant le Rapport du CES 2020 et la conférence de restitution coorganisée le29 janvier 2020 par CapDigital, Systematic et Business France que j’animais, en compagnie de Fanny Bouton et Dimitri Carbonnelle (vidéos), j’avais décidé avec eux de m’intéresser au fact-checking scientifique de certains produits du CES 2020. Nous avions comme chaque année repéré quelques produits ésotériques aux promesses douteuses. Nous avons alors tenté d’exercer un regard scientifique sur nombre de ces produits bizarres.