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2 commentaires ont été soumis sous ce pseudo et avec le même email.
Le premier commentaire date du 19 octobre 2011 et le dernier est du 21 octobre 2011.
I understand, Oliver, and appreciate your comments. They will help us improve future presentations.
As for the type of content we serve, it is ANY high-quality content and online services: from blog posts to magazine articles to video or audio files to interactive games and applications. But I must emphasize “quality” again, as not all content can be valuable enough for users to pay for it.
Even though, in theory, Znak it can monatize a single picture taken during vacation or a private party, it might — you will agree, I’m sure — be impossible to sell it online.
Hi Olivier,
Thanks for the coverage and your mentioning Znak it! I realize that our 3-minute presentation at the Summit might not have been enough to explain the concept and the benefits of our system. But there is nothing “cryptic” about it.
In fact, we promote transparency and full control by our users of both the materials they submit to us for monetization and their commercial success, with rates and amounts of generated revenue, right from the user dashboard and in real time.
Here are links to our Summit presentation as well as a more detailed description of our services:
For more info, I invite you to visit our site at
Thank you again for mentioning Znak it!