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Totally agree with some other comments, the most important is the content.
Clearly, the big mistake that should be avoided is to take the content as it is right now and send it on new devices.
Using tablet bring a completely new perspective for children and i guest not many guys are able to understand what is at stake. I personally thing that this change cannot come from people who have used to work with paper for decades.
One way to go ahead is to have pilot classes where content is being “broadcast” and tried on children and really ask for children’s feedback and assess how quick they are able to learn. There is also 2 aspects : (1) learning (2) create.
One mistake you may make Olivier is to approach school from a technological point of view. I would approach it from a scientific point of view.. how children are learning, what his the best time for them to learn…
I think the french system is pretty late and when i see in Asia kids who at 4 can already speak french, english and chinese… i realize that we are miss using the potential of million of children that we will rely on for the creativity of the next decades.
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