Nous voici dans le 63 ième épisode de Quantum, le podcast francophone de l’actualité quantique qui persiste et perdure maintenant depuis plus de 5 ans.
Au menu de cet épisode : de nombreux voyages (Grenoble, Munich, New York). Des nouveautés chez Quobly, Quandela, IBM, QuEra, des prix Nobel de physique et de chimie à la sauce de l’IA, des levées de fonds à l’étranger, des frayeurs d’origine chinoise côté cybersécurité, et quelques éléments nouveaux pour notre bêtisier quantique habituel.
Nous faisons ici le tour des événements auxquels nous avons participé ou dont nous avons entendu parler, en France et dans le monde. Il est impossible d’être exhaustif tant ces événements sont nombreux dans l’écosystème, aussi bien côté scientifique que « business ».
I published the open-source book “Understanding Quantum Technologies 2024” late September 2024. Since then, I have updated it many times to follow the news, add a couple companies and also correct various spelling, presentation and other errors. I try to keep up with the scientific and other news until I publish this edition on arXiv and then on AWS in a paperback edition in 5 volumes (or parts), around November 2024.
The book length may be intimidating (1,552 pages) and you may have no time to read it entirely. I provide a 26-page zipped version which contains the key highlights from each part. But you may have many questions who need answers. Sometimes simple ones, but which require digging into many parts of the book to get a sound answer.
Welcome to the 76th episode of Decode Quantum. In our series of three episodes recorded in Lindau where dozens of physics Nobel laureates met with young scientists, we picked a few of them who are specialized in the broad field of quantum computing to head their thoughts about it: Caroline Tornow (ETH Zurich), Francesca Pietracaprina (Algorithmiq), Yaroslav Herasymenko (TU Delft, QuSoft) and Adam Shaw (Caltech).
This podcast was recorded on July 1st, 2024, in Lindau, Germany during the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings 2024 with Fanny Bouton (OVHcloud) and myself. The two other podcasts were recorded and already published with David Wineland and Bill Phillips.