
Vous voici dans le 66ième épisode de Quantum, le podcast francophone de l’actualité quantique. Nous reprenons le cours des événements depuis notre épisode spécial de mi-décembre sur Google Willow. Je suis toujours avec Fanny Bouton, ci-devant quantum lead chez OVHcloud.
Dans cet épisode, nous revenons sur divers événements comme la Q2B de Santa Clara, le quantique au CES de Las Vegas, le workshop de la Quantum Energy Initiative à Grenoble, la conférence QT4HEP du CERN et le European Quantum Software Workshop.
Côté acteurs, nous avons des news sur Alice&Bob, Quobly, Welinq, Qubit Pharmaceuticals, le CNRS, Xanadu, Google, QuEra, Quantum Brilliance, IBM, et puis quelques distractions du côté du bullshit quantique qui est vraiment mis à toutes les sauces de manière très créative en ce moment.

From January 20th to 23rd 2025, I participated in the QT4HEP conference at CERN and had a chance to visit several experiments from CERN. This was quite an experience that I recount here.
This illustrated post contains:
- A description of QT4HEP’s conference highlights.
- A primer on high-energy particle physics.
- An overview or CERN activities.
- A presentation of the LHC and its technology.
- A photography report of Atlas, CMS, and the antimatter factory.
- A small reminder that the web and HTML were created at CERN.
QT4HEP conference

Welcome to the 79th episode of “Decode Quantum”. We continue our “international episodes”, this times with the cofounders of the US startup EeroQ, Nick Farina and Johannes Pollanen, which aims to create qubits with electron spins, electrons being shielded from controlling electronic circuits by a layer of superfluid helium. This is the only company doing this.
Nick Farina is the CEO and co-founder of EeroQ in 2017. Beforehand, he worked as an business angel investor, and an entrepreneur, launching multiple tech startups (GiftedHire for online job search, Voltage Digital a digital agency, JetZet providing itinerary management tools to business travelers). He’s the one bringing business acumen to the company. He is also a Quantum Computing Governance Member at the World Economic Forum since 2021. In 2000-2003, he was a caddie at a golf club (Biltmore Country Club) where he spent summers watching people cheat at golf and lament their losses in tech stocks.