Bienvenue dans ce 65e épisode de Quantum, le podcast de l’actualité quantique. Nous avions initialement prévu de faire relâche en fin d’année et de reprendre le volant début février mais l’actualité nous a rattrapés. L’annonce récente de Google avec sa puce Willow a défrayé la chronique et surtout m’a bien titillé. Il se trouve que nous avions eu l’idée de lancer ce podcast en octobre 2019 à l’occasion de l’annonce de la suprématie quantique de Google (+ un post). L’histoire se répétant, il fallait bien assurer. Qui plus est, des chercheurs chinois ont surenchéri face à Google et c’est tout récent. Donc, cela mérite un approfondissement.
J’ai aussi publié un article détaillé sur le sujet « Inside Google Willow ».
Welcome to the 78th episode of Decode Quantum, where we continue to travel around the world. We are now in the UK with Sebastian Weidt, the founder and CEO of Universal Quantum, a startup creating scalable trapped-ions quantum computers.
Sebastian Weidt is the CEO and co-founder of Universal Quantum since 2019, when the company was created. He is also a professor of quantum computing and entrepreneurship at the University of Sussex, which is in Brighton, south of London, near the Channel. He was a lecturer on quantum technology at this university. He was a postdoc research fellow at the same university between 2013 and 2015, and since 2015, a senior scientist in the trapped-ion group led by Winfried Hensinger.
On December 9th 2024, Google made the news with announcing its 105-qubit superconducting Willow chip, with some more details here. It was linked to the release of a new Nature paper on this chip and extravagant claims about this quantum computer’s ability to solve some specific problem in a couple minutes, that would take 10^25 years to be solved on a classical supercomputer.
This drove a lot of comments around the world and the web, from positioning this announcement as a major breakthrough to being a huge marketing ploy. Comments are available with slides, posts and videos from John Preskill, Scott Aaronson, Brian Lenahan, Bob Sutor, Alan Ho from Qolab, Maciej Malinowski, Michel Kurek, and Sabine Hossenfelder, and more are yet to come.